8/22/2011 12:24:19 PM
Phase I - Sheet Metal Repairs (Completed Aug. 10, 2011)
2011-7-20 CAPAOA members fly to Compton airport and meet the mechenics in charge of CAF-4 phase I repairing.
2011-7-20 華人飛行協會成員飛抵洛杉磯康普頓機場檢視空軍四號第一階段修理情形. 並與維修技師討論修理細節.
我們需要您的慷慨捐助,請使用以下PayPal Donate捐款按鈕, 您可使用信用卡或您的PayPal帳戶樂捐. 金額不分大小, 請填入的捐款金額(美元), 謝謝您的支持.
如您捐贈USD$35美元以上(約$1000NT), 我們會將您的大名(中文,3個字為限 0.75"x0.25")貼放在CAF-4空軍四號機身上,您的名字將和介壽號一同翱遊藍天. 只有前1000名的名額. 捐款時請把您的中文大名放在備註欄. 當空軍四號修復完成時, 我們會把有您大名的照片email 給您.
專線: +1 (626) 629-8623
Email: caf-4@capaoa.org

Sheet metal man Chuck showing Robin his plan to repair right flap
CAPAOA selected Aircraft Rebuilder of Compton Airport for the Phase 1 repairs. Phase 1 repairs include most required sheet metal works: 1. Right flap; 2. Firewall and its brackets; 3. Right fuselage longeron; and 4. Left wing bottom skin.

Fuselage; you can see the crease clearly in this picture
The force of impact damaged the right fuselage longeron which resulted a visible crease on the right fuselage. The initial inspection missed this damage, and we did not notice it during recovery until the plane had arrived in El Monte.

Right fuselage longeron
The longeron has a visible but not very noticeable crack toward right front corner of the cabin.

More surprise!!!
Right longeron toward right rear of the cabin also has a crease and crack caused by the force of impact. No one saw this damage until disassembly had begone. The longeron damage resulted sheet metal repair costing significantly more then first anticipated.

Right longeron front cabin corner after disassembly

Right longeron rear cabin corner after disassembly

Riveting everything back together

New right longeron splice installed

Right longeron damage to the right rear corner repaired

Right flap skin patched

Repaired firewall showing newly installed brackets

Deliver CAF-4 fuselage back to El Monte from Compton

Right side fuselage skin is now free of any crease

Another view from the rear showing the now crease free right fuselage skin

Left wing bottom skin patched

Dick and Chuck were installing the repaired right flap in El Monte